
封面故事:真核细胞的基因组DNA与组蛋白组装形成染色质.染色质结构的动态变化调控基因的转录水平,从而在基因的转录沉默和激活、细胞的组织特异性分化以及细胞的命运决定等生命过程中起重要作用.对染色质高级结构的研究对于理解这些生物过程具有巨大生物学意义.孙大鹏等的论文通过体外表达、重组技术获得均一的30 nm染色质纤维,并通过负染色技术、冷冻制样技术等手段,利用透射电子显微镜对重组的染色质进行了系统分析,为染色质的高级结构研究打下了坚实的基础.
(孙大鹏,宋 峰,黄 丽,张 阔,季 刚,陈 萍,朱 平. 30 nm染色质的体外组装和电镜分析,本期第739~747页)

Cover Story:Genomic DNA in the eukaryotic nucleus is hierarchically packaged by histones into chromatin. The plasticity and dynamics of higher-order chromatin fiber have been widely thought as the key regulators of transcription and other biological processes inherent to DNA. Elucidating how nucleosomal arrays can be folded into higher-order chromatin fibers is essential to understand the dynamics of chromatin structure. Although the structure of nucleosomes, the fundamental repeating unit of chromatin, which comprises 147 base pairs of DNA wrapped in 1.7 superhelical turns around an octamer of histones, has been solved at the atomic resolution, there is still much controversy over the chromatin structure at the higher-order level. Here, we built an in vitro chromatin reconstitution system which adopts histone octamers and arrays of 177 bp and 200 bp repeat of the Widom 601 DNA sequence. Taking advantage of this system, we have obtained highly regular spaced and soluble nucleosome arrays, and folded the arrays into 30 nm chromatin fibers with the existence of linker histone H1 or MgCl2 respectively. Several electron microscopic techniques, including metal shadowing, negative staining and Cryo-EM, have been used to investigate the morphology of the reconstituted 30 nm chromatin fibers. Our results suggest that both histone H1 and divalent Mg2 can help the formation of 30 nm chromatin fibers, but the resulted chromatin fibers display different topologically architectures. To investigate how the length of linker histone may affect the architecture of chromatin,we measured the diameters of the reconstituted 30 nm chromatin fibers with different nucleosome repeat lengths (NRLs) of 177 and 200 bp and found that these two classes of chromatin fibers present different diameters (P < 0.05).


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