
封面故事:深部脑刺激通常采用恒定间隔的电脉冲高频刺激用于治疗帕金森病等运动障碍疾病.为了开发适用于不同脑疾病治疗的新刺激模式,近年来,变脉冲间隔的变频刺激受到关注.胡汉汉等在大鼠海马CA1区锥体神经元的输入轴突纤维上交替施加恒频和随机变频的脉冲刺激,两者的平均脉冲频率均为130 Hz,而且,随机变频的脉冲间隔变化范围很小,仅为5~10 ms.实验结果显示,持续的恒频刺激可以调控下游神经元群体产生非同步的动作电位发放.但是,一旦刺激切换为变频模式,却可以诱发神经元群体同步产生动作电位,而且其同步活动的出现与前导脉冲间隔的长度之间存在相关性.此研究结果对于揭示脑刺激的作用机制,促进新型刺激模式的开发与应用具有重要意义.
(胡汉汉,封洲燕,王兆祥,郑吕漂,黄璐. 变间隔的脉冲改变高频刺激对于脑神经元的作用,本期第804~811页)

Cover Story:Deep brain stimulation has been used to treat movement disorders such as Parkinson diseases by utilizing high-frequency stimulations (HFS) of electrical pulses with constant inter-pulse-intervals (IPI). To develop new stimulation paradigms for treating more brain diseases, HFS with varying IPI (i.e., varying-frequency) has been investigated. Previous studies have shown that the efficacy obtained by varying-frequency is different from that obtained by constant-frequency even with a same mean frequency. We hypothesized that small changes in IPI during HFS could substantially change the effect of HFS on neurons. To test this hypothesis, HFS sequences with constant IPI (IPI = 10 or 7.5 ms for a frequency of 100 or 133 Hz ) and varying IPI (IPI = 5-10 ms with a mean frequency of 133 Hz) were alternately applied at afferent axon fibers of pyramidal cells in rat hippocampal CA1 region. The evoked potentials of downstream neurons were recorded and analyzed to quantitatively evaluate the neuronal responses to stimulations with constant IPI and varying IPI. The results showed that during persistent stimulation with constant IPI, the responses of downstream neurons changed from initial synchronized firing of population spikes (PS) into non-synchronized firing (i.e., unit spikes). However, once the stimulation switched to the sequence with varying IPI, synchronized firing reappeared with large PS events. Additionally, the amplitude of PS and the synchronization degree of firing induced by varying IPI were similar to those induced by single pulses at baseline. However, the incidence of PS was only ~7% of the pulse frequency, indicating a cumulative action of multiple pulses for generating such synchronized firing of neurons by stimulations with varying IPI. In addition, the appearance of PS was related to the length of proceeding IPI. Presumably, nonlinear responses of neuronal axons and synapses to high-frequency stimulation might cause the synchronized activity induced by varying-frequency. These results indicate that tiny differences in intervals of varying-frequency stimulation may generate a modulation effect on neurons very different from that of constant-frequency stimulation. The present study shows important results for revealing the mechanisms of brain stimulation and for advancing the development of new stimulation paradigms to treat various brain diseases.


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