
封面故事:梁兴国领导的研究小组研究了三核苷酸重复序列在DNA聚合酶作用下的自身扩展.通过分析产物的长度、序列、生成量等,对全部32种18 bp三核苷酸双链重复序列在恒定温度下扩展合成的特性进行了系统研究.研究发现,几乎所有序列都能扩展变长,但序列对其扩展效率有很大影响:GC含量较多的短链,尤其是一条链中同时有G和C的短链扩展效率较高;全由AC和GT组成的双链也较易扩展;短链中GC含量越高最适扩展温度越高.另外,提出了双链重复序列的“复制滑移”扩展机理,解释了反应开始很长一段时间内产物长度随反应时间线性增加的现象.由于简单重复序列在各种生物基因组中广泛存在,同分子进化、遗传多样性、分子标记和某些遗传性疾病等密切相关,这一研究有望提供一些有益的启示.
(王 阳,贾蕾敏,董 平,梁兴国. 三核苷酸双链重复序列扩展合成特性及其机理,本期第345~355页)

Cover Story:Simple repetitive sequences are widely present in genomes of most organisms. They are closely related to molecular evolution, genetic diversity, molecular marker and some hereditary diseases. In this article, all of the 18 bp trinucleotide repetitive double strand sequences were used, and their expansion by DNA polymerase was researched systematically. We discussed the factors including reaction temperature and sequence which influence the amplification efficiency and the length of product. The result showed that almost all of the repeats can be elongated, and the variance in sequence had great effect on the amplification efficiency. The repeats with more GC, especially those with G and C in one of the strands were much easier to grow. Duplexes with one strand containing only A and C were amplified a lot as well. The optimum reaction temperature and the GC content of the duplexes had a positive correlation. Agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the product has narrow size distribution of molecules, and the expansion has a linear dependence of the length of products on the reaction time. Differentiation of the products occurred more at higher reaction temperatures. At last, a slippage model demonstrating the mechanism of duplex expansion was discussed, and it is promising to be used for explanation of molecular evolution and unusual expansion of repetitive sequences during gene amplification and detection.


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