
封面故事:链霉菌是重要的工业微生物,能够合成众多具有生物活性的次级代谢产物,如抗生素、 抗肿瘤药物以及免疫抑制剂等. 次级代谢产物的合成受到多层次严格调控,深入开展相关机制研究 将对工业菌株的高效育种提供重要理论指导. 链霉菌中存在的两类关键信号传导系统,包括双组分 系统(Two-component system,TCS) 和胞质外功能σ因子(Extracytoplasmic function σ,ECF-σ), 在链霉菌次级代谢过程中发挥着重要的调控功能. 在前期研究工作中,我们发现TCS TCS (AfsQ1/ Q2) 参与天蓝色链霉菌抗生素合成的正调控,但其下游靶基因SigQ (编码σQ因子) 则参与抗生素 合成的负调控. 本研究深入揭示了这两种不同信号传导系统协同调控抗生素合成的分子机制. 证实 σQ通过其下游靶点膜蛋白(AfsQ4) 影响跨膜组氨酸蛋白激酶(AfsQ2) 的活性,进而对TCS (AfsQ1/ Q2) 的调控功能产生拮抗作用. 这一发现为工业链霉菌的代谢工程改造提供理论依据.
(陈允亮,杨云鹏,李国权,毛雪芳,贾卫东,施爱平,芦银华. 天蓝色链霉菌中抗生素合成相关 双组分调控系统AfsQ1/Q2 上游信号传导机制的研究,本期第450~464 页)

Cover Story:Based on the powerful secondary metabolism of Streptomyces, they have been used to synthesize many biologically active secondary metabolites, such as antibiotics, anti-tumor drugs and immunosuppressants. Due to the fact that the synthesis of these products is often strictly regulated at multiple levels, therefore, the study of the mechanism of secondary metabolism regulation of Streptomyces can not only deepen our understanding of the metabolic regulation network of Streptomyces, but also provide important reference and guidance for the construction of industrial producing strains from the perspective of metabolism. There are two key types of signal transduction system in Streptomyces: two-component system (TCS) and extracytoplasmic function σ (ECF- σ). Both of them play important regulatory functions in the process of antibiotic biosynthesis. Studies have shown that there are a large number of TCS and ECF-σ coding genes in the genome of Streptomyces coelicolor, a model Streptomyces strain. In our previous studies, we have showed that, under certain conditions, the sigQ-afsQs gene cluster in S. coelicolor is involved in the regulation of the biosynthesis of ACT (actinorhodin), RED (undecylprodigiosin) and CDA (calcium-dependent antibiotic) antibiotics. Based on the early stage research on the regulation function of the TCS system afsQ1/Q2, a detailed study of the upstream regulation mechanism toward afsQ1/Q2 was carried out in this work. Through gene function verification experiments, it was found that the loss of sigQ can significantly down-regulate the expression of the membrane protein gene afsQ4 in the sigQafsQs gene cluster, and at the same time complementation afsQ4 can restore the phenotype of the sigQ deletion mutant (Δ sigQ), which indicates that afsQ4 is the downstream regulatory target of sigQ. Further analysis of in vitro phosphorylation experiments showed that the phosphorylation level of the transmembrane kinase AfsQ2 of TCS was significantly reduced in afsQ4 gene deletion mutant, indicating that sigQ can negatively regulate the TCS afsQ1/Q2 through membrane protein AfsQ4, and finally coordinate antibiotic synthesis.


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