
封面故事:在睡眠剥夺(sleep deprivation, SD)过程中,人类大脑的神经活动和警觉水平如何受到影响,尤其是感觉运动和视觉系统,目前仍是研究的热点. 在过去的研究中,在完整睡眠剥夺过程中,脑功能如何动态变化仍不清楚. 张岱等采用9次测量的静息态功能磁共振成像和心理运动警觉任务,探索23名志愿者在整个36 h的睡眠剥夺过程中神经活动和警觉水平的变化. 采用基于rfMRI的区域同质性(region homogeneity,ReHo)和低频波动幅度(amplitude of low frequency fluctuation,ALFF)评估大脑神经活动变化. 结果表明,感觉运动网络(sensorimotor network, SMN)和视觉区域(visual network, VN)是受到睡眠剥夺影响最严重的区域,睡眠剥夺后16~30 h大脑自发神经活动显著增强.
(张 岱,左真涛,饶衡毅,范勇. 睡眠剥夺中感觉运动皮层和视觉皮层神经活动及警觉水平的改变,本期第139~156页)

Cover Story:The mechanism underlying the alteration of neural activity in the human brain and the vigilance level during sleep deprivation (SD) remains a subject of ongoing investigation, particularly with regard to the sensorimotor and visual systems. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rfMRI), a noninvasive imaging technology reflecting spontaneous activity of the human brain, is widely used in SD research. In the present study, nine repeated rfMRI sessions followed by a psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) were used to explore the alteration of neural activity and vigilance level during 36 h of SD in 23 volunteers. Mean reaction time (MRT) and lapse ratio (LR) based on PVT were measured to assess variation in vigilance level. The sensorimotor network (SMN) and visual network (VN) are the most vulnerable areas after obtaining SD measures from ReHo (regional homogeneity) and ALFF (amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation) based on rfMRI. Group-ICA was used to parcellate the visual-related regions into visual area Ⅰ, visual area Ⅱ, and the visual association area. Sensorimotor-related regions, including the bilateral precentral/postcentral gyrus, the bilateral paracentral lobule, and the supplementary motor area (SMA), were extracted from the anatomical automatic labeling (AAL) templates. Brain neural activity and vigilance level were deteriorated at 16-30 h of SD. A 2 × 3 repeated-measures ANOVA was used to explore the effects of sleep pressure and circadian rhythm and their interaction on neural activities of sensorimotor-related and visual-related regions. Significant effects of sleep pressure and interaction on all sensorimotor-related and visual-related regions were observed. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used to explore the relationships between variation in vigilance level and alteration in brain neural activities of sensorimotor-related and visual-related regions. Significant correlations were observed between the neural activities of all sensorimotor-related regions and variation in vigilance during SD. Our results confirmed that SD alters the vigilance level and neural activity of the SMN and the VN, beginning at 24:00 on the first day, and sleep pressure and circadian rhythm regulate the neural activity of the SMN and VN during SD. Furthermore, sleep pressure significantly regulates the effects of circadian rhythm. The enhancement of ReHo in the SMN and VN leads to a weakening of their remote connections, which may be the cause of the slowing of response time during SD.


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