国家自然科学基金海外青年学者合作基金(19928408), 国家自然科学重点基金(60138010)和面上基金(10274039)资助项目.
This work was supported by grants from The National Natural Science Foundation of China through the Outstanding Young Overseas Scientists Program (19928408), Major Program (60138010) and Free Application Program (10274039).
荧光各向异性度 (fluorescence anisotropy) 测量可以获得荧光分子的转动速度信息,进而了解分子质量、结构、以及与周边环境的相互作用情况 . 围绕一台双光子激发扫描荧光成像系统,通过改变外光路和图像记录与处理程序,从而实现了双光子激发荧光各向异性度成像,并针对一些典型样品和体系,展示了该方法的应用 . 实验中观察了 FITC 荧光分子、 FITC 结合的 CD44 抗体分子及与肿瘤细胞表面受体结合的 FITC-CD44 抗体分子 . 测量结果表明,不同分子质量、不同微观环境状态下的荧光分子,其各向异性度大小不同,在各向异性度图中能够被明显区分 . 荧光各向异性度成像能够定量测量样品微区的各向异性度值,并以二维图像的形式直观表达,是各向异性度测量与成像技术的良好结合 .
A new method is developed for two-photon fluorescence anisotropy imaging. Its biological applications are tested. This system is based on a two-photon laser scanning fluorescence microscope. A polarization beam splitter was inserted into the optical path to separated fluorescence into components of orthogonal polarization. By rotating the polarization of the excitation beam by 90 ° , four images were collected for each sample. These images were then processed pixel-by-pixel to generate a new fluorescence anisotropy image. The capability of this method is tested for different samples, including FITC, FITC-CD44 in solution and FITC-CD44 attached to the membranes of tumor cells. The results show that fluorescence images can distinguish fluorescence molecules of different molecular mass, or detect changes in microenvironment.
汪雪峰,王 毅,蒋 艳,马 辉.双光子激发荧光各向异性度的成像[J].生物化学与生物物理进展,2005,32(2):161-167
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