This work was supported by National Basic Research Program of China(G2000016203) and The National Natural Science Foundation of China(30370139,30471122).
WRKY 蛋白参与植物对生物或非生物胁迫反应和一些发育、代谢过程,在植物中组成一个转录因子大家族 . 从水稻 cDNA 文库中分离到一个新的 WRKY 基因——— OsWRKY52 cDNA ,包括一个 1 719 bp 的开放读码框,推测编码一个由 572 个氨基酸组成的蛋白质,与燕麦 (Avena sativa) AsWRKY1 具有 54 %的氨基酸一致性 . 该基因被非亲和性稻瘟菌快速诱导 . 凝胶阻滞实验结果表明,原核表达的 OsWRKY52 能与水稻 PR1a 启动子上的 W 盒元件特异结合 . 采用酵母单杂交体系的方法证明了 OsWRKY52 具有转录激活活性 , 其丝氨酸岛、苏氨酸岛和 C 端的富酸性氨基酸区是负责转录激活的区域 . 这些结果提示 OsWRKY52 作为一个转录激活子,可能参与植物对稻瘟菌的应答反应 .
WRKY proteins, a big family of transcription factors, are involved in regulation diverse developmental and physiological processes in plants. Here, a novel WRKY gene, OsWRKY52, was isolated from a rice cDNA library. This gene included an open reading frame of 1 719 bp in length, and the deduced polypeptide contained 572 amino acids, sharing 54% identity with a WRKY1 protein from Avena sativa. Expression of OsWRKY52 gene was induced rapidly by Magnaporthe grisea in the incompatible interaction with rice plant. OsWRKY52 protein, expressed prokaryotically bound specifically to W box cis elements derived from the promoter of a rice PR1a. Transcriptional activation assay was performed by a yeast one- hybrid method. Regions of transactivation were identified to be the N-terminal serine- and threonine-rich islands and the C-terminal acidic domain of OsWRKY52. These results suggest that OsWRKY52, as a transcription activator, may be involved in defense responses against Magnaporthe grisea in rice plants.
王海华,谢 科,吴坤陆,郭泽建.稻瘟菌诱导的水稻 WRKY 基因OsWRKY52 的分离和鉴定[J].生物化学与生物物理进展,2005,32(10):937-946
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