This work was supported by a grant from The National Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (Y304083).
黄瓜的性别分化与乙烯密切相关,1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸 (ACC) 合酶是乙烯生物合成过程中的关键酶. 根据ACC合酶基因家族的保守序列设计PCR引物,从8个不同性别类型 (雌雄同株、强雌性和全雌性) 黄瓜品种中克隆了长度为1 188 bp的ACC合酶基因 (CS-ACS2) 片段 (GenBank 登记号为:DQ115884~DQ115886和DQ115875~DQ115879). 经测序分析,3个雌雄同株性别类型品种的序列完全相同. 与之相比,5个强雌性和全雌性品种中存在8个单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)标记,SNPs标记为4个A←→G和4个T←→C之间的转换.在8个SNPs中,有1个SNP位于内含子区域,其余7个SNPs都位于外显子区域. 在7个位于外显子区域的SNPs中,有3个为非编码区的SNPs,4个为cSNPs. 而在4个cSNPs中,有3个导致了编码的氨基酸序列改变. 研究结果表明,与雌雄同株性别类型相比,雌性系中均存在单核苷酸的变异,这提示ACC合酶基因CS-ACS2的单核苷酸变异可能与黄瓜雌性系的发生形成有关. 另一方面,根据SNP多态性还发展了一个酶切扩增长度多态性(CAPS)标记C-MT700.利用CAPS标记C-MT700能将强雌性优良品种MT-705与其他黄瓜品种相区别,该标记在黄瓜育种生产上具有一定的应用价值. 此外,研究获得的SNPs标记和CAPS标记丰富了黄瓜的分子标记种类.
Ethylene regulates sex expression in cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.). ACC synthase is a key factor during the ethylene biosynthesis. Pairs of PCR primers were synthesized corresponding to the conserved sequences of ACC synthase gene family. The 1 188 bp DNA fragment of ACC synthase gene (CS-ACS2) was amplified from genomic DNA of 8 different sexual phenotypes of cucumber respectively (GenBank accession number is DQ115884~DQ115886 and DQ115875~DQ115879). 8 SNPs have been identified by sequences analysis between 3 monoecious lines and 5 subgynoecious lines and gynoecious lines, which including 4 A←→G and 4 T←→C transition. Of these 8 SNPs, one locus is in intron and 7 loci in exons. Of the 7 SNPs located in exons, 3 SNPs are non-coding SNPs and 4 SNPs are coding SNPs (cSNPs) of which 3 induced changes of encoding amino acid of ACC synthase. The results of SNPs from subgynoecious lines and gynoecious lines suggest that single nucleotide mutation events of CS-ACS2 might be correlated with the development of subgynoecious lines and gynoecious lines in cucumber. Furthermore, CAPS marker C-MT705 was developed for identifying elite subgynoecious cultivar MT-705, which could be valuable in cucumber breeding. Besides, the SNPs and CAPS markers obtained in the study enriched molecular markers of cucumber.
向太和,王利琳,庞基良,胡江琴,申屠连峰,吴 锴.不同性别类型黄瓜ACC合酶基因的单核苷酸多态性标记和酶切扩增长度多态性标记[J].生物化学与生物物理进展,2006,33(4):362-367
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