澳大利亚联邦科学与工业组织分子科学院(Molecular Science Division, CSIRO, Australia)博士后的部分研究工作.
Part of Post-doc Research Work in Molecular Science Division,CSIRO,Australia
对分离自巴布亚新几内亚地热活跃区的一种嗜热耐酸古细菌———JP2菌株中的DNA连接酶基因进行了克隆、表达、纯化,并对其生物化学及酶学特性进行了研究. 对其核酸及氨基酸序列的分析表明:JP2菌株的DNA连接酶与古细菌种Sulfolobus solfataricus 和 Sulfolobus shibatae 的DNA连接酶具有很高的同源性,尤其在与功能紧密相关的6个保守结构基序的一致性更高. JP2连接酶表现出高的DNA缺口连接活性,在二价金属辅因子的选择方面,JP2连接酶更倾向于Mn2+ 离子而不是Mg2+、Ca2+ 及其他离子. 不同温度时的热稳定性测试显示:JP2连接酶在50~80℃时为较适连接温度,当温度不超过85℃时,连接酶的活性在5 h内保持相对稳定,但在90℃以上活性则很快降低. 还分离纯化了JP2的分子伴侣———TF55,并将其应用于增加JP2连接酶的热稳定性研究. 结果表明:在体外85℃时,分子伴侣未增加连接酶的热稳定性,可能的原因是在85℃体外状态下TF55本身就表现出不稳定性.
A thermostable DNA ligase gene was identified, and the biochemical and enzymatic properties of the ligase were characterized from JP2 strain which was enriched from geothermally active sites in Papua New Guinea. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences showed much high identities compared with that of archeabacterium species Sulfolobus solfataricus and Sulfolobus shibatae, especially in the six conserved motif sequences, which are known to be closely related to the key function of ligase. Recombinant JP2 ligase showed high activity in nick-joining reaction. It was the most active when Mn2+ present as divalent metal cofactor rather than Mg2+ and Ca2+. etc.. Assay of thermostability over a range of temperatures showed that at 50~80℃ the enzyme displayed relative high activity. Further thermostability experiment indicated that the activity of JP2 ligase could last for a long time at 80℃ and 85℃, however, at 90℃ and 95℃, it became unstable quickly. An investigation on the acquired thermotolerance of recombinant JP2 ligase was done by applying a chaperonin known as TF55 in thermophile on JP2 ligase reaction. Result showed that TF55 could not help in improving thermostability of ligase at 85℃. The possible reason might be that at 85℃ in vitro, the chaperonin itself was denatured.
兰海燕,刘 纯,HENDRY PHIL.一种嗜热耐酸古细菌JP2菌株编码的热稳定DNA连接酶的生物化学及酶学特性研究[J].生物化学与生物物理进展,2006,33(9):881-889
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