This work was supported by National Corporate Finance Program of Giant Panda(WXO308).
以来源于成都大熊猫繁育研究基地和中国保护大熊猫研究中心的34只圈养大熊猫(分为a群体和b群体)和7只圈养野生大熊猫(圈养野生群)作为研究对象,利用AY161177~AY161218、Ame-μ5~Ame-μ70和g001~g905 等30个微卫星标记对其遗传多样性现状进行分析,并探讨保持圈养大熊猫遗传多样性的方法.微卫星数据表明,30个微卫星标记多态性好(PIC=0.621~0.640),圈养大熊猫遗传多样性水平(a群体:A=5.48,Ho=0.475,He=0.696;b群体:A=5.24,Ho=0.453,He=0.719;圈养野生群:A=3.80,Ho=0.514,He=0.725)高于6个濒危物种(Ho=0.210~0.390,He=0.150~0.430)但低于3个非濒危物种(Ho=0.620~0.710),圈养大熊猫遗传多样性水平都保持在较高水平,但圈养群遗传多样性水平与圈养野生群相比有所降低.F统计量及基因流Nm分析结果证明,a、b两群体间遗传分化程度不高(Nm=2.610,Fst=0.087 4 ,Fit=0.411 6),存在个体交换和一定程度的近交,b群体近交程度高于a群体(a群体Fis=0.322 1,b群体Fis=0.398 3).因此,现阶段圈养大熊猫的管理重点是避免近交和遗传多样性丧失,将圈养大熊猫种群作为同一管理单元,把纠正大熊猫系谱中的错误、科学选择大熊猫个体进行群体间交流作为关键点,利用微卫星技术保持和提高大熊猫种群的遗传多样性水平.
34 captive Giant Pandas (captive population: including a population and b population) and 7 captive wild Giant Pandas (captive wild population) are study objects. Their blood samples are got from Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding and China Research and Conservation Center for the Giant Panda. 30 microsatellite DNA markers including AY161177~AY161218, Ame-μ5~Ame-μ70 and g001~g905 are used to investigate the actual state of genetic diversity within and between samples. Meanwhile, the measures how to maintenance and improve genetic diversity of Giant Pandas are discussed. The information for microsatellite locus showed that 30 microsatellite DNA markers were polymorphic (PIC=0.621~0.640) and the genetic diversity of 41 captive Giant Pandas was higher (a population: A=5.48, Ho=0.475, He=0.690; b population: A=5.24, Ho=0.453, He=0.719; captive wild population: A=3.80, Ho=0.514, He=0.725) than that of other 6 endangered species(Ho=0.210~0.390, He=0.150~0.430), but was lower than that of 3 non-endangered species. 41 captive Giant Pandas maintenanced high genetic diversity. However, compared to 7 captive wild Giant Pandas, the genetic diversity of 34 captive Giant Pandas degraded. The date of F-statistics and gene flow (of 25 microsatellite locus Nm=2.610, Fst=0.0874, Fit= 0.4116) indicated that a population and b population exchanged individuals resulting to inbreeding. There was a low level of genetic variabilities between a population and b population. The inbreeding level of b population was higher than that of a population (a population: Fis=0.3221,b population: Fis=0.3983). Therefore, at the present, the focus of management of captive Giant Panda should shift to avoiding the inbreeding and the loss of genetic diversity. The captive populations of Giant Panda should be in the same management unit. Retrieving pedigree and chosing the fittest exchange individual are the key point. Microsatellite technologey is the key way to protect and improve genetic diversity of captive Giant Pandas.
王芳,彭真信,张金国,田 亮,韩红兵,曹之晨,张志和,沈富军,李德生,张和民,张立波,连正兴.应用微卫星标记分析圈养大熊猫遗传多样性[J].生物化学与生物物理进展,2007,34(12):1279-1287
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