1.1)上海海洋大学食品学院,上海 201306;2.2)上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海 201306;3.3)农业农村部水产品贮藏保鲜质量安全风险评估实验室(上海),上海 201306;4.4)上海水产品加工及贮藏工程技术研究中心,上海 201306
1.1)College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;2.2)College of Fisheries and Life Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;3.3)Laboratory of Quality & Safety Risk Assessment for Aquatic Product on Storage and Preservation (Shanghai), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shanghai 201306, China;4.4)Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Aquatic-Product Processing & Preservation, Shanghai 201306, China
This work was supported by grants from The National Natural Science Foundation of China (31972188, 31671779), National Postdoctoral Program for Innovation Talent (BX201901940), Shanghai Post-doctoral Excellence Program (2019348), Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (2017-01-07-00-10-E00056), National Key Research and Development Program (2018YFC1602205), Shanghai Agriculture Applied Technology Development Program (T20170404) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2019M661469).
革兰氏阴性细菌的外膜由脂多糖、磷脂、外膜蛋白和脂蛋白等成分组成,是细菌抵御外界有害物质的首要物理屏障,与细菌致病性和耐药性密切相关. 外膜各组分依赖特定的系统进行跨膜转运,包括脂多糖转运系统(lipopolysaccharide transport,Lpt)、脂质不对称维持系统(maintenance of lipid asymmetry,Mla)、β-桶状装配机器(β-barrel assembly machinery,Bam)以及脂蛋白定位系统(localization of lipoprotein,Lol). 这些系统能够保证细菌外膜的完整与稳定,被视为维持细菌生命活动的“命门”. 因此,本文系统地综述革兰氏阴性细菌外膜主要成分的跨膜转运系统结构与功能,并对其未来研究方向进行展望,为新型靶向抗菌类药物研发提供新的思路.
The outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria is composed of lipopolysaccharide, phospholipid, β-barrel protein and lipoprotein, which is the primary physical barrier protecting bacterial cell from harmful substances, and associated with bacterial pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance. The components of the outer membrane depend on specific systems for transmembrane transport, including the lipopolysaccharide transport system (Lpt), maintenance of lipid asymmetry (Mla), β-barrel assembly machinery (Bam) and localization of lipoprotein (Lol). These systems can ensure the integrity and stability of the bacterial outer membrane, which play important roles in bacterial growth and survival. Therefore, this review summarized the research progress on structure and function of these transmembrane transport systems in Gram-negative bacteria, and prospected the future research direction, which provided new insights for developing the novel antibiotics.
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