中国科学院生物物理研究所,脑与认知科学国家重点实验室,北京 100101
State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
This work was supported by a grant from The National Natural Science Foundation of China (31600858).
目的 习得性无助(learned helplessness)是指动物经历了不可逃避性刺激后而产生的无助状态。它对随后实验动物的运动能力、生理状态等多方面都会产生影响,也是人类抑郁症的有效动物模型之一。目前已在多种动物模型中建立了研究习得性无助神经机制的行为实验范式,包括黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)。之前的研究发现,经历过不可逃避高温惩罚的果蝇在活跃程度等方面有显著改变。然而,果蝇的习得性无助状态是否也影响学习认知能力,目前仍然未知。本文对果蝇空间位置学习能力是否受到习得性无助状态影响进行了研究。方法 此研究中,我们完善实验范式,分别检测果蝇在新范式中的空间位置学习行为和习得性无助行为,以及经过长时程随机刺激后果蝇空间位置学习能力的变化。结果 野生型果蝇可在此范式中展现空间位置学习能力与习得性无助状态,而经过长时程不可逃避刺激训练的果蝇,空间位置记忆有显著下降。结论 此研究完善了果蝇习得性无助行为实验范式,实验结果表明习得性无助对果蝇空间位置记忆存在影响。这将对进一步加深对动物习得性无助行为的理解,进而其发生机制研究起到推进作用。
Objective Learned helplessness (LH) refers to establishment of the helpless state in animals, which have experienced exposure to stressors that are inescapable by means of behavioral responses. It could affect their locomotor activity and other behaviors, such as circadian rhythm, food intake, immune system, etc. LH has been observed in many species including Drosophila melanogaster. Activity of LH flies decreased significantly after inescapable heat shocks. However, it is still unknown if there is impairment in learning ability in LH of Drosophila. Here, we explored if place learning ability of Drosophila could be effected by LH.Methods We established a new experimental paradigm and procedure for place learning and LH experiment in Drosophila.Results We observed robust place learning and LH phenomenon in the new paradigm. We also found that after long-term exposure to inescapable heat pulses their place learning ability was reduced.Conclusion Our findings reveal that LH in Drosophila not only effect their locomotor activity but also place learning behaviour.
复制生物化学与生物物理进展 ® 2024 版权所有 ICP:京ICP备05023138号-1 京公网安备 11010502031771号