The paper should be printed on A4 paper, with at least 10.5p characters.
Generally, a paper published in Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics is composed of the following parts.
Title. A succinct title accurately reflecting the theme of a paper is essential. A maximum of 10 notional words is proposed.
Running title. The running title describes the key aspect of the paper and should be 60 characters or less (including spaces).
Authors and their affiliated institutions should be listed beneath the title.
Abstract concisely describes the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the research. An abstract with at most 400 words is required.
Key words. In general, 3~8 keywords are required.
Text. The language in text should be concise and accurate. All the symbols, abbreviations and acronyms should be defined the first time they appear. All units should be SI units with exception of the following ones: minute (min), hour (h) and day (d) for time, degree(゜), minute(′), second(″) for plane angle, liter(L) for volume, unified atomic mass unit(u) for mass of molecule, r/min for rotational frequency, decibel(dB) for sound pressure level.
Figures and Tables with detail legends should be inserted into the proper position of the text.
You must submit each figure as an individual image file. Submit all panels of a multipanel figure on a single page as one file. For example, if the figure has 3 panels, the figure should be submitted as one file. Each panel should be labeled as a letter (a, b, c, d, etc.) in the upper-left corner of each panel.
Every figure should have a title, and the figure legend should follow the title closely. Figure legends should provide enough information to make the figures understandable without frequently referring to the text. Do not describe methods in figure legends unless they are necessary to interpret the results conveyed by the figure. Define in the legend all symbols and abbreviations that are used in the figure.
Figures (graphs, charts, photographs, and illustrations) should be self-explanatory and labeled professionally.
Dimensional drawings and diagrams should include only the essential details and as little lettering as possible. The magnification for micrographs should be indicated by scale bars, inscriptions should be legible, and the symbols and letters should be consistent among the panels.
Please make sure that the letters, labels and symbols are in proportion to the figure and are easily readable after the figures are reduced to printable size. For example, the final text should be at least 2 mm in size and the graph lines should be at least 0.5 pt in weight. We recommend that all graphs are submitted in the intended publication size. The options include:
1 column width: 3.3 inches (8.4 cm)
2 column width: 6.7 inches (17 cm)
Maximum height: 9 inches (23.0 cm)
Figures should be prepared in a publication quality resolution. The minimal resolution is: 300 dpi for grayscale and color image; 900 dpi for line art.
Tables should be self-contained and self-explanatory. All tables should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Label each table at the top with an Arabic numeral followed by the table title. Insert explanatory material and footnotes below the table. Designate footnotes using lowercase superscript letters (a, b, c) reading horizontally across the table. Abbreviations that are used in a table should be defined in the footnotes. Please prepare the tables in MS Word with a single-space format. Do not embed tables as graphic files, document objects, or pictures.
Acknowledgements. Do not includes the funding information which is included in Notes.
Notes are listed at the bottom of the first page of a paper generally including:
1 The corresponding author and its telephone number, Fax number and e-mail address.
2 The funding information. 3.The received and accepted dates of the paper.
References. A maximum of 100 references is suggested. All references should be numbered in the order in which they are cited. The examples of references are followed.
Examples of references
1 Xu K X. Biomathematics. Beijing: Science Press,1999.277-290
Article from journal
1 Thormberry N A, Lazebnik Y. Caspases: enemies within. Science, 1998, 281(5381): 1312-1316
2 Andrade F, Roy S, Nicholson D, et al. Granzyme B directly and efficiently cleaves several downstream caspase substrates:implications for CTL-induced apoptosis. Immunity, 1998, 8(4): 451-460
1 Jia M W. The study of protein structural class prediction and the study of TRS bending and flexibility: [Master Thesis]. Hohhot: Inner Mongolia University, 2001
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